The latest from:
Rylan Chandler, Leads the chapter and oversees all activities and events.
Contact Me via email
GroupMe Spring '25 (join now if you haven't)
Attendance Excuses
Join EpicHire!
Seniors, follow these steps to get your alumni status:
Login to MyAKPsi using your username {UM email} and password. If you don't know your password, click "Forgot Password" to reset it.
Click your name in the top right corner, then tap "My Profile"
Click Edit and change your email address to a non-university email (your personal email, etc). This is the email address that will be used to contact you after graduation.
Executive VP (EVP)
Assists the president in leading the chapter and oversees all activities and events.
SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Miami Herbert Coastal Cleanup
Saturday, Feburary 8
8am - 12pm
Join EVP Committee (CLOSES 1/29)
Submit your hours on time to avoid fines! You can access this form at any time!
External Service Hours
NIB Career Mentorship Program: Rylan and I will reach out to potential mentors within the next week. Only required to meet once this semester and you'll get an hour for it! You can always decline but we want as many people as possible to participate.
Director of Rituals (DOR)
Manages all chapter rituals and ceremonies. Important ritual dates for the Spring 2025 semester. Please add this to your calendar to ensure you don't miss any important rituals.
Induction: February 11th at 9:00 pm in Storer Auditorium
Midcourt: March 23rd at 9:00 am in Dooly Memorial
Court of Honor: April 13th at 9:00 am in Dooly Memorial
Initiation: April 15th at 9:00 pm in Storer Auditorium
Rirector of Rituals Committee Chair Application
Induction Information:
Induction Position Signup
Induction Headcount Form
VP of Membership (VPM)
Manages all membership applications and onboarding processes. The current VPMs are Bailey Topher and Mia Wallis.
Recruitment Season! Here are the important dates and times. Try to come out to as many recruitment events as possible!
Info Session 1 (with networking): January 27 @9pm at Cox Science 126
Info Session 2: January 28 @9pm at Cox Science 126
Informal Interviews: January 29 - January 31
Mocktails: January 30 @7pm in the Business School Breezeway
Volleyball: January 31 @5pm at the Lakeside Volleyball Courts
Formal Interviews: February 2 (all day) at Dooly Memorial
Shark Tank: View Chapter Slides
Smoker: View Chapter Slides
Bid Day: View Chapter Slides
VP of Faculty and Alumni Relations (VPFAR)
Manages all faculty and alumni relations initiatives.
Alumni Database
Graduating this Spring 2025?
Upcoming Events: Get your hours & meet incredible alumni & faculty at UM and beyond!
Alumni Coffee Chat w/ Kyle Sonlin - February 10th @6:30 pm
Alumni Coffee Chat w/ Dr. Ian Scharf - February 19th @6:30 pm
VP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
Manages all diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
Concern Form
VP of Internal Finance (VPIF)
Manages all internal finance & fundraising for our chapter.
You can earn your fundraising hour by participating in any fundraising event and submitting proof of payment/participation. At the end of the semester, fundraising hours can be substitued for missing requirements.
Fundraising Hour Submission Form
Upcoming Events:
Stickers - Venmo @Ben-Devolve $3
Açai Kappa Psi - March 4th 11am - 4pm
Shake Shack Donation Day - February 19 from 10:30am - 11:00pm at 1450 S. Dixie Hwy